The Journal of Short Film(JSF) is a quarterly DVD publication of peer-reviewed short films of all genres. It is published by The Ohio State University Film Studies Program. The journal is modeled on the literary journal, complete with an editorial board made up of filmmakers and scholars.
Specifics attributes of The Journal of Short are;
• a quarterly DVD journal containing 90-120 minutes of independent short film per volume
• peer-reviewed by filmmakers and scholars of film theory
• inclusive of all genres of film, favoring independent and underrepresented work
• open and free submission process
• filmmakers maintain all rights to their work
• sold at a low cost—$10/vol., $36/subscription
• distributed to schools and libraries around the world
• non-corporate and ad-free
Submissions for Volume 24 are due Friday June 10th.
Submit films of less than 20 minutes to:
The Journal of Short Film
Film Studies Program
Smith Laboratory, Rm 4108
174 W. 18th Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210, USA
The submission must contain your:
film, name, postal address, email address, and telephone number
Include an addressed, stamped envelope if you'd like it returned.
All submissions are carefully considered. It may take up to 2 months after the deadline to respond. Please do not submit films via email.
Please submit films in the following format:
DVDs are preferred, though VHS tapes will be accepted on a need basis.
DVDs must be Region 1, NTSC. Please no PAL tapes or discs.
Rights, and Clearances
The filmmaker maintains the rights to the film. The publishing right granted to the JSF is a non-exclusive, one-time serial right.
Films must have ALL clearances available in writing. Copies may be requested later.